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Lewis Blain Anderson, Jr.

Lewis Blain Anderson, Jr.

May 20, 1956 - Jun. 17, 2023

Date of Service: Jun. 27, 2023

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RAFT RIVER – My sweet husband, Lewis Blain Anderson, Jr., was taken back to his heavenly home on Saturday, June 17, 2023, at the age of 67. He lived in Raft River (Declo), Idaho. He will be and is missed by many. He has touched so many lives – it is overwhelming.

Lewis came into this world on May 20, 1956, in Mount Pleasant, Utah. He was the firstborn child of his parents, Lewis Blain Anderson and Neva Jean (Edeburn) Anderson; what a gift from heaven that was for them. He had seven younger siblings.

He was preceded in death by his parents; and two of his siblings, Teresa Andersen (Dan) and Don Ray. The siblings that survive him are: Kristeen Gough (Scott), Maurice Scott, Justus Martel (Hollie), Pam Renee Crockett (Carl), and John Aaron (Libby).

Growing up he lived in many places; moving a lot for his father’s work. The year he turned three they moved three times to different places in Utah. Prior to his senior year of high school, the family moved an additional six times, all in Utah. It was fun listening to some of his stories growing up, especially of him wanting to shoot a gun at a very young age; however, his father would not let him. Finally, Lewis begged enough to where his dad let him shoot the gun. The recoil to his small body knocked him down. He didn’t ask for permission to do that again for quite some time.

In his senior year, 1973, the family moved to Merced, California. This wasn’t the best time to make a move, but blessings came from it. This is where he met and dated his current wife, Linda. He stayed in Merced until he went to Chester, Utah, to leave on a mission.

Lewis served a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from January 1976 until January 1978. He was called to serve in the Tallahassee Florida Mission. This really opened up the world to him; the south, their cooking, and the things they would say. His missionary stories were fun to hear. He told the story about when they were teaching a lady and her husband. Lewis saw the man watching something but tried to keep teaching. Suddenly, the man raised his rifle and shot something; it was a mouse. The event terrified the elders, but they were thankful that it wasn’t them he was aiming at.

Another time he went to visit a lady and could smell something so good. He asked what it was and she said, “boiled cabbage.” Prior to this, Lewis did not like cooked cabbage, however, after eating this meal he has loved cooked cabbage ever since. Primarily, it is because she used a lot of lard. Everything tastes better cooked with a lot of lard! This same lady called one Sunday and told the elders she was coming by to “carry them to church.” Lewis said all he could think of was how was she going to do that? She was a small woman. He soon learned that this just meant she was going to take them to church.

In the beginning he wasn’t sure if a mission was right for him. By the time the two years were done he did not want to leave.

After his mission he married and had four children, all who survive him. While married to his first wife, he lived in Moroni, Utah, and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, working in agriculture. During this time Heather Jean Anderson was born. He then made a big career change and moved to Florida and bought and ran a ceramics business. While in Florida they had three more children, Diantha Rae Walling, Katrina Dawn Catteruccia and Joseph Blain Anderson (Mary).

He lived in Florida from 1981-1992. He returned to agriculture and worked for his dad in Atwater, California, until his dad retired. From there he moved to Wisconsin and built a beautiful calf ranch. He then went to work for a company called Calf Tel. Working at Calf Tel gave him the opportunity to travel for speaking engagements and to travel to countries such as China, Russia, Finland, and Germany, helping those in these countries build and care successfully for calves. He was well-known in this field and he was always having people call for advice or have him come speak or train employees.

In January 2012, Lewis and Linda were married in Oak City, Utah, in his father’s home. Married life started out by moving to Russia. Lewis was supposed to build a calf and heifer facility. However, finances changed and that never happened. They put him in charge of four dairies that were failing miserably. Eighteen months later he had them going in the right direction. He then returned to the United States. He later worked as manager on a calf ranch in Kersey, Colorado. During this time Lewis and Linda were sealed in the Bountiful Utah Temple on March 21, 2015. I am thankful for the blessing and knowledge that he and I will be together forever.

Another unexpected job change was moving to Clovis, New Mexico. Here, Lewis worked as a salesman for a calf product company. This was a very challenging job; one he would never do again. As always, he was a hard worker and suffered through this ordeal until an opportunity opened in Idaho with Heglar Creek Feeders. This was such a blessing in our lives. Lewis loved his job being calf ranch manager, working for the best bosses he ever had in his career and being surrounded by such great people.

He is now in heaven and the Heglar Creek employers are second on the list to him only because Heaven tops everything. I know that Lewis has been called home to serve a mission of some sort.

Serving is what he loved to do above all else. He has served in many capacities during his earthly life; bishop, counselor in a bishopric, a member of the stake high council, Seminary, Institute, the Family History Center, temple worker, Primary teacher, and ministering brother. Lewis was a person people felt comfortable leaving their babies with while they took care of something else.

He will be missed by his ten grandchildren; seven grandsons and three granddaughters.

He was the most spiritual individual I know. He loved to teach and answer anyone’s questions. One of his favorite scriptures is Jacob 6:12; “O be wise; what can I say more?”

The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 27, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Raft River Ward, located at 2551 East 350 South, of Declo, with Bishop Kory Call officiating.

Family and friends will be received from 5 until 7 p.m. Monday, June 26, at Rasmussen-Wilson Funeral Home, 1350 East 16th Street, Burley, Idaho, and from 10 until 10:45 a.m. Tuesday, prior to the service at the church.

A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 28, at Oak City Cemetery, in Oak City, Utah.

A live webcast of the Funeral Service will be available and maintained at the following link: https://youtu.be/qVJHHWfcBzA.

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Condolences for Lewis Blain Anderson, Jr.

Comments may be screened and removed by the staff as deemed appropriate.

From Katrina:
When I find myself wanting to hear your voice, I like to believe at these moments you must be telling our grandparents and close family friends' stories. When I want to cry because the loss, I feel that was not chosen this time, but I wonder how you endured the losses you chose through the years. I do know I feel in my heart that you are at peace and safe amongst family and friends. I just wish our time we still should have had together wasn't stolen, but I hope to feel your embrace one day again. You can rest knowing you are with me and my family everyday Dad.
From Erin Bronson/ Strauss Feeds:
Lewis was a customer of ours at Strauss Feeds for Heglar Creek Feeders. I did not know Lewis for much more than a couple years at the longest. I told others I think Lewis is a good LDS member, although we never discussed it together or knew that I am as well. . I had spoken to him just 2 days before to ask me if we under charged him for a load of feed. Always Honest I found him to be and a great example of the LDS Church. How great it made me feel to read this obituary and know my thoughts and feelings were true. Thank you Lewis and best blessings of peace and comfort to your family from ours, The Bronsons. But great he knew the full truth of Heavenly Father's great plan... It helps knowing the truth,..... " Oh Death, where is thy sting "
From Paul Robertson :
As a young bishop in Green Bay, WI Lewis was my trainer and confidant. We went out in the white Cadillac several times a month to visit members. One night he turned on and cranked up my seat heater. This was something I had never experienced before. After 30 minutes or so I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I said to him, “Lewis, I’m not sure what’s going on with my seat but my butt is sure hot.” He gave me a look like “oh really” …and then he laughed so hard I thought he was going to fall out of his seat. He then gave me a lesson on heated seats. Thanks for being a rock of faith and making serving together so memorable!
From Kim Paulsen:
Lewis, you were a great friend and will be missed. I’ve never met such a kind person. I will miss the friendship we built and the stories we’ve shared. We will all miss you.
From Karen Davis Macks:
Remembering you and your family. Was a great seminary teacher. Wonderful memories in Panama City. RIP
From Bob Hay:
I am sure he has met with Stacy and they’re talking and glad to see each other.
From LaRee Sutherland:
I have been your Mom since high school. So happy to have you as an eternal son. So thrilled you and Linda had these years. She just glowed with love for you. I love you and look forward to the reunion. Mom/LaRee
From Dale & Cindy Ricks :
LB, Words are insufficient to express our sympathies at hearing about your early return to Heavenly Father. Sincerest condolences to Linda and all your many loving family members who will yearn for the time you’ll be together again. We warmly remember our time with you in your home and church.
From Dan and Nancy Stone:
LB, we were surely saddened to learn of your untimely passing. We have such pleasant memories of our times together in Panama City. Your friendship, concern, and example will be greatly missed. You were truly a valued friend.
From Joseph Anderson:
I will miss you. Love you. We will meet again one day with smiles on both of our faces.
From Lewis Sutherland:
Lewis always called me dad! I will always think of him A SON!
From Diantha Walling :
It is hard to believe that you are gone. I love you and already miss my phone calls and texts. Throughout my life you have taught me so much. You will always be with me. One day we will meet again and have the biggest hug ever.
From Tina and Rick Selvaggi:
Linda and family we are so heartbroken for you.
From Becky Rasmussen:
Linda I am so sorry I do not know what to say I loved LB so much hewill really be missed he was amazing nephew also there when I needed him he was my pal since he was born. He will forever be in my heart. And you will always be in my prayers love you and loved him so much love, Aunt Becky
From Joseph Anderson:
I will miss you. Love you. We will meet again one day with smiles on both of our faces.

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